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2569 résultats

01 déc. 2014

Consumer behavior on the diamond jewelry market

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

The created product have to join the todays market and have to be anchored into fashion trends and especially women trends when you are working for Diamond Jewelry. That is why I choose to connect the actual phone market and the diamond jewelry. It is clear that today we see the emergence of...

28 Nov. 2014

Méthodologie de l'épreuve de négociation internationale

TD - Exercice - 1 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Vous choisissez dans votre entreprise un produit, une ligne ou une gamme de produits (ou services). Vous allez sur la base de ce produit imaginer et préparer une situation de négociation internationale. Bien entendu, choisissez un produit ou un service que vous maîtrisez suffisamment pour être en...

28 Nov. 2014

Réunion préparatoire de rentrée scolaire : Conseils et Travaux préparatoire pour une réussite des études dès le mois de Septembre

Étude de cas - 1 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Il s'agit, pour l'élève d'avoir une culture générale solide tant dans les domaines littéraires qui sont la bases du travail, que dans le domaine scientifique qui sera le domaine de prédilection du concours. Les différents programmes scolaires sont disponibles sur le site Internet, les...

26 Nov. 2014

What motivates improper behavior?

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Before going into the question of what motivates improper behavior, the expression improper behavior should be given a proper definition. It is in fact the way in which one acts or conducts oneself especially towards others which is improper. The meaning of improper is broad: it means as an...

25 Nov. 2014

How to develop the motivation to work?

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Management, the term "motivation" would have appeared for the first time in the United States during the 1930s in the field of selling. It was proposed to account for the buying behavior of customers. It is then circulated to other areas of knowledge and was also adopted by the directors of...

25 Nov. 2014

Herzberg attempts to identify drivers of satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors at work

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Hygiene -the environmental factors (noise, heat, salary, status, relationships,) they are related to working conditions and must have a basic level. If the conditions are below this minimum level, the work suffers, but productivity is not influenced upward if working conditions are above the...

25 Nov. 2014

Self-Assessment : Career management

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

I already have an idea of the "perfect job" for me. In fact I have two options: In one hand I can create my own company. So I will be in charge of taking decisions and give the main orientation that I want at work. It is also a way to develop my own ideas, being creative and so activate all my...

25 Nov. 2014

"What impacts do mega events have on a tourism destination? How can government manage a mega event for the purpose of promoting tourism in the host country/city?"

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

There is no doubt about it, mega-events can completely transform a city. Some undeveloped and completely forgotten places can raise suddenly the attention of a whole country. A war against pollution and waste begins, the mobility is increased,… At first glance, we would say that these...

25 Nov. 2014

What would be the major differences between being a citizen in a nomocratic state and in a teleocratic state? - publié le 25/11/2014

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Some famous conservative philosophers as Michael Oakeshott define the origins of states by distinguishing two basic types of government: the nomocratic and the teleocratic state. Their conception about the role of state and how it should rule the citizen's life is completely opposed. Indeed,...

19 Nov. 2014

US-Nicaragua relations: an excessive twitch?

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

In 1904, President Roosevelt, who aimed at maintaining the order defined by the 1823 Monroe doctrine, declared: “We would interfere with [Latin America] only in last resort, and then only if it became evident that their inability or unwillingness to do justice at home and abroad had violated...

18 Nov. 2014

L'éducation : un enjeux pour un développement économique et social

Dissertation - 3 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Mercredi 12 novembre 2014, une dizaine de personnes tuées dans un centre de formation au Nigeria, deux jours après l'attentat à la bombe survenu dans un lycée pour garçons de Potiskum ayant fait une cinquantaine de victimes, et attribué au groupe Boko Haram. Le Nigeria est attaqué dans l'un des...

17 Nov. 2014

Grandir, c'est apprendre à se séparer - Pierre Delion

Dissertation - 4 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Comme en témoignent métaphoriquement les nombreuses variantes du mythe fondateur du paradis perdu, l'homme semble apprendre à vivre avec la nostalgie de la matrice originelle ; la naissance apparait comme étant un évènement physiquement et symboliquement brutal qui met fin de façon...

11 Nov. 2014

Comment se présente un service de maternité ?

Fiche - 2 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Il se situe au sein d'un hôpital ou d'une clinique. Il est en relations avec les consultations qui assurent le suivi des grossesses, les échographies, les examens courants de la grossesse. Il comprend 3 pôles d'activité : - Gynécologique - Naissance - Suites de couches

10 Nov. 2014

Etre un bon animateur d'enfants

Dissertation - 1 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Le métier d'animateur (d'enfants même si animateur regroupe beaucoup d'autres champs mais je vais m'attarder sur celui là). D'abord il faut savoir quand on travaille dans l'animation il ne faut pas s'attendre à gagner beaucoup d'argent…Si c'est des motivations pécuniaire il faut mieux...

20 Oct. 2014

Le mémoire de recherche en master

Guide pratique - 20 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

« Celui qui a perdu sa capacité de s'étonner, de s'émerveiller devant le grand livre ouvert de la nature, autant vaudrait qu'il fût mort, ses yeux sont fermés. ». Albert Einstein Un mémoire de recherche est un grand moment. Il permet de se surpasser intellectuellement, d'aller au-delà de ses...

17 Oct. 2014

Les grandes usines de France

Fiche - 2 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

L'usine comme cadre de travail et de production. Nous avons deux types d'usines différentes, deux modes de représentations contrastés. Dans ce type de document, nous avons du visible, la restitution d'une réalité concrète, et du lisible, la restitution entre les lignes de valeurs, des systèmes...

17 Oct. 2014

Human influences on the Environment

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Respiration releases energy from breakdown of glucose Plants can convert glucose into many other organic molecules, usually starch stored in leaves, roots or other organs. Some converted into sugars (like fructose or sucrose) used to make cellulose in cell walls. Plant cells can convert glucose...

17 Oct. 2014

Breathing and Gas Exchanges

Étude de cas - 1 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Structure of the gas of the exchange system Lungs enclosed in the thorax by the ribcage and the diaphragm (muscular sheet of tissue) Joining each rib to the next = intercostals muscles Air passage is highly branching network: called bronchial tree Air enters our nose/ mouths, passes down the...

17 Oct. 2014

Life Processes

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

ATP: the energy currency of the cell To pass energy from respiration to other process => through a substance called adenosine Triphosphate: organic molecule attached to three inorganic phosphate groups -can be broken down, losing a phosphate and producing a similar molecule (Diphosphate) + ATP...

17 Oct. 2014

The détente period / 1963-1979

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

It is a long and permanent relaxation in tensions (with usually agreements and treaties). Tensions HAD to be released as the world was at the brink of MAD. There were increasing economic problems due to arms race on both sides. There was also a political instability as most of the soviet's...

16 Oct. 2014

Histoire des institutions scolaires (depuis 1798) - Claude Lelièvre

Fiche de lecture - 10 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Sous Ancien Régime, école sous tutelle de l'église. Renvoi des Jésuites en 1762. Août 1762, Parlement de Paris décide fermeture des collèges jésuites. Faut donc remplacer les Jésuites. Les parlementaires, les philosophes, pensent que c'est à l'État de combler le vide.

07 Oct. 2014

Les difficultés de l'enseignement en France

Dissertation - 2 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

L'enseignement en France est une notion assez large. En effet, celui-ci va de la petite section de maternelle jusqu'au lycée. S'il est délicat de ne pas inclure à l'intérieur l'université, c'est parce que le type d'enseignement délivré en faculté est relativement...

23 Sept. 2014

The patentability of genes - publié le 23/09/2014

Étude de cas - 19 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

As all the novelties, the biotechnological and genetic industry causes problems of intellectual property. Moreover, the genes are very special things, not only because they touch to the living, but because they are carrying hopes (new therapies, drugs…) and fears too (protection of the Human...

23 Sept. 2014

Over the years, changes have been made in motivating workers but can we speak of progress?

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Nowadays, in any company, there are three main groups of people involved, who all have different objectives for the business: the owners, managers and employees. Employees' objectives basically include firm's survival which is a priority as their jobs are at stake according to the stability of...

23 Sept. 2014

Has the passing of the Human Rights Act forced English Courts confronted the gap in the law protecting privacy? - publié le 23/09/2014

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Privacy has always been a tricky topic. The debate about the place of a right to privacy in English law is not new. The United Kingdom, land of freedoms, is also known for being the country where tabloids mix with the political and financial newspapers. This topic is also known for being one...

23 Sept. 2014

Philips Wouwerman, Taste and market in the 18th century - publié le 23/09/2014

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Philips Wouwerman was born in Haarlem in 1618. He was the eldest son of the painter Paul Joosten and Susanna van den Bogert. His two brothers, Pieter and Johannes Wouwerman, were also to become painters. Philips probably received his first painting lessons from his father. According to Cornelis...

23 Sept. 2014

Caillebotte's bequest - publié le 23/09/2014

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Gustave Caillebotte (Fig. 1) has long been considered as an odd man out in the circle of the French Impressionist. A wealthy amateur, a friend and a supporter of these artists, Caillebotte amassed a stunning collection of their work, which he bequeathed to the State at his death in 1894, and...

23 Sept. 2014

The collection of the Medici displayed at the Tribuna and Rudolf II's wunderkammer - publié le 23/09/2014

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

"Kunstkammer" or "wunderkammer" are German words and meant respectively "marvels room" and "art room". These words became famous thanks too Julius Von Schlosser who published in 1908 a work on the art titled Die Kunst- und Wunderkammern der Spätrenaissance. These words mean in particular the...

23 Sept. 2014

The Arab - Western cultural relations

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Since the transatlantic declaration in 1990, American and European enjoy a strong relationship with an active cooperation in several sectors as Justice, Energy, Environment, Science or Education. They represent the largest bilateral trade and investment relationship in the world with roughly 40%...

22 Sept. 2014

En quoi Totto-chan la petite fille à la fenêtre est-il une leçon sur l'éducation ?

Commentaire de texte - 2 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Tetsuko Kuroyanagi est une présentatrice de talk-show japonais et actrice. Elle est ambassadrice à l'UNICEF depuis 1984. Elle est aussi l'auteure de Totto-chan la petite fille à la fenêtre, une autobiographie publiée en 1981. Dans ce livre, Kuroyanagi raconte son enfance sous forme d'hommage à...